''Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causeth to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.'' Psalm 65:4

Yesterday we looked at how Esther deployed the spiritual weapon of prayers. The good news was that Esther was able to change the law that was against her people, the Jews, by tapping into the divine principle of prayers. She did a midnight connection, to rearrange things in the realm of the Spirit. By the time she stepped before the king, the power of God had gone before her to make the crooked places straight, to break the gates of brass and bars of iron. The King had no choice than to stretch forth the golden sceptre towards her even though she had never been invited.

Beloved, that was not all. He also promised to do whatever she wanted, even giving her up to half of his kingdom. To crown it all, the 50 feet gallows, which Haman had prepared, for Mordecai, was the very gallows on which he was destroyed. With this impressive arsenal at your disposal, you cannot afford to coast along in life and hope that the devil will just go away. No, this is the time to deploy your weapon of prayer because it works. It is the time to stand and fight. This is the time to step out, praying always, in all manner of prayers - in tongues, in agreement, in intercession, in binding, in loosing.

Let your life be soaked in the word and prayer then you'll become a terror to the devil. Put on the whole armour of God and fight. Don't let the enemy pluck out your eyes. There are issues about your life that you cannot change by wishful thinking. No, it takes being violent with the enemy. Refuse to get weary, distracted or lose focus. You have what it takes to take delivery of all that God has ordained for your life. The best time to start praying is now.

Further Reading: Philippians 4:6 Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Genesis 49-50/ Evening- Matthew 13:31-58


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