Putting it all together – a short
summary of the prophecies
discussed in this book, and the
story of Creation and history of the
This is a fast, birds eye view of the bible and the
events foretold by God.
This is the world we live in today.
This page is a summary of this "Little Book of
Prophecy and Truth" that will hopefully tie it all
together and give readers a “big picture” look at
what the Word of God tells us. All of the points
made here are proven by scripture in detail within
the book (and this web site) and should be
studied out on your own. I encourage anyone
reading this to take the time necessary to read
and study every scripture I quote in this book and
let the Lord lead you to His truth on your own. As
I state in my introduction, this is just my notes
that I have put together during my studies and
organized in a fashion that I hope is
understandable and helps others to learn and
grow as I have in the knowledge of the Lord.
Remember, all of these points are discussed in
detail and proven with scripture in this book and
in the Bible. This is just a quick summary.
The Story of Creation and the history of the
Bible in a quick summary
In the beginning, God. Before all things in
creation, there was God.
It was the human form of Jesus, who is
the image of God, that He used as the
blueprint for His design
He put Adam and Eve in the beautiful
Garden of Eden
Because of their disobedience, God
expelled them from the garden and
changed things in the world
We know that Adam and Eve had many
children (Genesis 5:4), but we're only told
about three of them
Sin began to rule in the hearts of men
By the year 1550 AA (after Adam) there
was only evil continually in the hearts of
men and the earth was filled with violence
God destroyed the earth, but thanks to
Noah he spared mankind - year 1656 AA
The year 2000 AA, a man named Abraham
was born
Abraham loved the Lord so God chose
Abraham to be the father of a people for
Himself (Israel)
Around the year 2450 AA, God brought the
Israelites out of Egypt and led them to the
promised land
God used Moses to lead the Israelites out
of Egypt
God brought Israel into the promised land
(the promise He made to Abraham)
450 years of Judges
Then, they wanted a king like other
peoples around them had
The next 500 years, the time of the Kings
(2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2
Approximately 600 BC (3400 AA), the time
of the Babylonian captivity
PROPHECY OF DANIEL - the line of kings
from Babylon to the return of Jesus
The prophecy of Daniel's 70 weeks
From Abraham to Joseph 250 years
Joseph to Moses approx 200 years (about
400 years total from Abraham to the
Moses to David 450 years
David to Daniel approx 500 years
Daniel to Jesus about 600 years
4000 AA - 0 BC/AD - Jesus Christ was
70 AD Jerusalem and Temple destroyed
John imprisoned on Isle of Patmos for his
faith in Jesus
The "things which much shortly come to
2000 years from Adam to Abraham
2000 years from Abraham to Jesus
2000 year from Jesus to now (last day)
2000 years after Christ (NOW) - The time
of the antichrist and false prophet
Jesus returns and treads the winepress of
the wrath of God
Jesus sets up His kingdom on earth with
us to rule and reign with Him for 1000
After the 1000 years is finished, the devil
is destroyed along with the remaining
wicked people who follow the devil
7000 years total
Eternity with God - into the next part of
His glorious plan!
A summary of Prophecies and
what to expect in the coming days
God told us many things about His plan in
symbolic terms before they happen so that we
would know what to expect. Many, many
prophecies were given about Christ and about the
times after Him all the way to the end of Gods
plan and into eternity where He will dwell among
us forever. [see Book 1]
I won't go into all of the specific prophecies in
this summary but will pull them together to look
at the plan as God has stated it in many different
ways. There are many prophecies that tie into
other prophecies and have common intersection
points and common end points. [see Chapter 10]
The big picture starts in the book of Daniel where
we are given a time frame of 490 years. The
prophecy is split in parts in the scriptures where
from the time after the Babylonian captivity from
when Jerusalem was restored and rebuilt, to the
Messiah is 483 years, and then another 7 year
period that has yet to happen. Revelation gives
us another look at the birth of Christ, the devils
attempt to kill Him at His birth, and then a jump
to the last years where the devil is thrown to
earth and the time of the Great Tribulation comes
upon the world. Daniel and Revelation also give
us a lot of information about what the world will
look like in terms of the nations of the world and
religions of the world that will exist at the end
time, and what the antichrist and false prophet
will do to deceive the whole world (except for the
Saints of God) at the end time. [see Chapters 7,
8, 10 and other parts of Book 1]
A quick look at the prophecies leading up to
After the time of Jesus, some of the prophecies
given by Jesus while He was here on earth came
to pass. Like the destruction of the Temple by
the Romans. [see Chapters 2 and 3]
After that, the spirits of Catholicism, Capitalism,
Communism and Islam are sent into the world
(the first four seals). During the last 1700 years
or so, these spirits have been working. This is
very important to understand. These spirits
control the majority of the world today. [see
Chapter 5]
Then in the last approximately 100 years we have
World War 1, World War 2, the Chernobyl nuclear
accident and the shortening of the days (the first
four trumpets). There has been more death in the
last 100 years than in the entire history of man,
since the flood; due to wars, abortions, accidents
like Chernobyl, etc. [see Chapter 6]
The next events that may or may not have
already happened are the fifth seal and fifth
trumpet. The fifth seal is the souls under the
altar are told to rest just a little longer. The fifth
trumpet could have been the gulf war, but most
likely is not. [see Chapters 5 and 6]
What we're waiting for in the near future
The sixth trumpet will also sound at some point,
but it's not certain if it will be before or after the
Confirmation of the Covenant. This is a war that
will kill a third of mankind, very likely to be World
War 3. [see Chapter 6, 7 and 8]
The event we're looking for right now, that could
happen any day, is the Confirmation of the
Covenant. The confirmation of the covenant is
this: there will be an international agreement to
confirm the status of Jerusalem and the
permanent borders of Israel. These things are
being fought over right now with the Palestinians.
The bible says that the Antichrist will confirm the
covenant along with many others for 7 years.
This event will be the beginning of the last 7
years of Daniels 490 years. It may be hard to
identify the Antichrist at that time because he
will be just one of many. [see Chapters 7 and 8]
Approximately 8 months (.7 years) after the
Confirmation of the Covenant, the Antichrist will
begin to take over the world. [see Chapters 7, 8
and 10]
The Antichrist and the false prophet will team up
around this time. [see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
The Jewish temple will be rebuilt and animal
sacrifices will be resumed by the Jews. [see
Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
Jerusalem will be “surrounded by armies”, which
is likely a picture of it being policed by UN and/or
other forces to force peace in the Middle East.
[see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
In the midst of this last 7 years (three and one
half years in), the Antichrist will cause the animal
sacrifices being performed in the rebuilt temple to
cease, and will cause the “abomination of
desolation” by either claiming to be God or acting
in the place of God. That is when we will
definitely know who he is. [see Chapters 7, 8 and
The false prophet will cause the world to worship
the Antichrist. This will be made possible by the
power given him by the devil himself. He will
perform miracles before the world, like pulling fire
from the sky. [see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
God's two witnesses will begin their prophecy at
this time. They will not be able to be killed for
the whole 3.5 years but will be killed at the very
end. [see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
The bible tells us that they (the world) shall say,
“peace and safety”. This is the call of the New
World Order. The Antichrist will come in the name
of peace to take over the world, and the bible
says that the people of the world will be thinking
they've finally made it, reveling and partying,
proclaiming that mankind has finally done it and
brought peace to the world! [see Chapters 7, 8, 9
and 10]
The Antichrist will implement what's called the
mark of the beast. It will very likely be a RFID
type of system. They can put a chip under your
skin today and they even have a tattoo ink that is
RFID capable, so maybe that will be utilized.
What's certain is that this will be forced upon all
people and you won't be able to get a job, buy
food, go to the doctor, have a bank account, or
pretty much have any way to “buy or sell” unless
you submit. This will undoubtedly come with
some sort of oath or pledge of allegiance to the
Antichrist and his government. It may even mean
conversion to Islam. This will also be a
superhighway straight to hell . Any person who
takes the mark of the beast is condemned by
God. It will be a horrible time for the people who
worship the one true God, Jesus Christ. This is
what is termed as the Great Tribulation. [see
Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
The Antichrist will “cause craft to prosper”. He
will “understand dark sentences”. There will very
likely be many people who will start to use dark
and evil power to perform sorcery and witchcraft.
[see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
What will the world of the end time look like?
The nations of the end time
The empires of the world from Babylon to today
were foretold and since we live in a time where
history proves what those prophecies were, we
have the unique pleasure of seeing prophecy
unfold. [see Chapters 4, 7, 8 and 10]
Daniel gives us two symbolic pictures of the end
time governments.
1. In one perspective we see that there will be 4
kingdoms in existence at the end time and
they will exist when Jesus returns, conquers
them, and sets up His kingdom on the earth.
These kingdoms mentioned specifically are
Britain, Russia, Germany, and the final
government of the New World Order that the
Antichrist will rule. [see Chapter 4]
2. In the other perspective we see that the
Medes and the Persians rule after Babylon,
then the Greek empire, then the Roman, and
finally the Holy Roman / Islamic Ottoman co-
empires. Both of these final empires together
comprised the total area controlled by the
Roman Empire. From the Bible and history we
learn that the final Antichrist empire will be a
revived version of the empire that succeeds
the Roman Empire. [see Chapter 7]
The bible tells us that this final (divided, co-
empire) will be used as the world government of
the Antichrist and his false prophet. The
Antichrist will bring the Muslim world together,
reviving the Ottoman empire, while the false
prophet will bring in Europe, reviving the Holy
Roman empire, and the two will unite them as
one. The bible tells us that the Antichrist will rule
the whole world, but it also says that during this
last 3.5 years he will be fighting wars as he
conquers more and more nations. Not all nations
will fall under his rule in so short a time (the area
which is now Jordan is one that is specifically
mentioned to “escape out of his hand”, among
others), but he will rule the last world dominating
empire. [see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
The religion of the end time
The religion of the end time will be one where the
false prophet will deceive the whole world and
cause the world to worship the Antichrist by
doing miracles such as pulling fire from the sky.
This religion already exists but will be made
universal by the power given the Antichrist and
the false prophet by the devil. The bible doesn't
specifically tells us what that religion will be
called, but we can determine what it will be by
looking at the facts. The world is pretty much
dominated by Christianity and Islam. While
Hinduism, Atheism and Communism make up
most of the remainder, it doesn't look like they
will play much of a role in the end time. [see
Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
Christianity today is full of churches proclaiming
that all religions worship the same God and
therefore we should embrace them. The Catholic
church promotes that idea with Interfaith doctrine
and goes as far as to state in the Catechism that
the Muslims worship the same God as
Christianity and therefore will enjoy the same
salvation equally. This means that they think it
doesn't matter if you're a Christian or a Muslim
and that you can find salvation through either
religion. [see Chapters 7, 8 and 10]
The Muslims, on the other hand, have no such
belief. In fact, Muslim doctrine teaches that Jesus
is just a prophet, not the manifestation of God in
the flesh, and that He will return at the end time
to teach Christians the Muslim way and convert
them. The prophecies of the Bible and the Muslim
prophecies concerning the Antichrist (the Muslim
Mahdi) and the false prophet (the Muslim Jesus)
mirror each other but the good guys of Islam are
the bad guys of the Bible. This is a very good
indication that the Antichrist will rise as the
Mahdi of Islam and will unite the Christian world
with him via the false prophet and create a global
Islamic religion. The bible tells us that this end
time religion will be forced upon people or they
will be killed if they refuse. The Muslim
prophecies tell us that the Muslims will kill any
who won't convert to Islam. [see Chapters 7, 8
and 10]
What then?
Then, “sudden destruction shall come upon them”.
With a shout, with the sound of a trumpet, Jesus
will come with power and glory as the lightning
comes from the east to the west. The whole
world will see him. The Lord will return and He
will reap His own, gathering them up to Him in
the clouds, and then the wrath of God will be
poured out on the world. [see Chapters 9 and 10]
When Jesus touches down on the Mount of Olives
it will split and the world will shake with the
greatest earthquake the world has never seen. It
will rock the entire world and Rome will be
destroyed. [see Chapter 10]
He will wipe out the armies gathered for the
Battle of Armageddon and will set up the
Kingdom of God and will reign on the earth with
His saints for 1000 years. [see Chapter 10]
There will be unsaved people remaining alive on
the earth. [see Chapter 10]
The Antichrist and the false prophet are tossed
into the lake of fire. [see Chapter 10]
Satan is bound for the 1000 years. [see Chapter
After 1000 years Satan is loosed and again
deceives the people of the earth and comes
against God only to be wiped out with fire from
heaven. [see Chapter 10]


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