The Name Jesus
Jesus is the English transliteration of the Greek
name Iesus. Joshua is the English transliteration
of the Hebrew name Yeshuah. Both Jesus and
Joshua mean Yahweh saves or Jehovah is
salvation. The name Jesus appears in the Bible
more than 900 times. [Transliteration means that
the word is not translated from one language to
another, but tries to represent the same letters/
characters from one language to another.
Pronunciation may or may not be preserved.]
The Word Christ
Christ is not actually a name, but a title. When
the Bible talks about the Messiah in the Old
Testament , it is referring to the same title as the
New Testament calls Christ. Both Messiah and
Christ mean anointed one. Jesus was anointed
with the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38) and
was the promised redeemer. The first promise of
a redeemer in the Bible was in Genesis 3:15. The
word Christ appears in the Bible more than 500
Jesus’ Titles For Himself
Jesus said He was the bread of life and the living
bread (6:35, 48, 51). He was the light of the
world (John 8:12). Jesus was the good shepherd
(John 10:11, 14). Jesus outright claimed to be
the Son of God (John 10:36). He also liked to call
himself the Son of man (Matthew 20:28). He said
He was the way, the truth and the life (John
Foods Jesus Ate
Jesus ate bread (Matthew 26:26), which has been
a common food throughout history. He ate clean
meats such as lamb (Luke 22:15) and fish
(Matthew 14:19). He may have eaten eggs
because of His statement that eggs is a good gift
(Luke 11:12, 13). The Old Testament says that
Jesus would eat butter and honey (Isaiah 7:15).
Luke 24:42 and43 says that Jesus ate broiled fish
and honeycomb after His resurrection.
Jesus Was a Carpenter
Jesus was known to be a carpenter (Mark 6:3).
This indicates that He not only grew up in the
house of a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), but He
worked in the trade at least long enough that
people knew Him to be a carpenter too. There is
a question of exactly what the word translated as
carpenter really means. The Greek word is tekton,
which is a generic word for anyone who makes
things. This was applied to craftsmen of various
objects. Early writings, tradition and culture
indicate that Jesus probably worked with wood in
some form. Therefore carpenter is a fine
translation of this word.
Jesus’ Birthday
Jesus’ birthday is generally celebrated on
December 25 each year. However, the Bible does
not tell us exactly when His birthday was.
Various scholars have put the Birth of Christ
sometime in winter or early spring. We celebrate
His birth at Christmas, but there is no record in
the Bible of the early Christians celebrating the
birth of Jesus.
Jesus and John the Baptist
John the Baptist was Jesus’ second cousin. Mary
(the mother of Jesus) and Elisabeth (the mother
of John) were cousins (Luke 1:36). John was
about 6 months older than Jesus (Luke 1:36). In
John chapter 1 when John the Baptist declares
Jesus as the Lamb of God (v. 36) this is
probably not the first time they met. They were
likely together often as children and young men
growing up.
Jesus’ Family
Jesus had several half-brothers and sisters
( Matthew 12:46-47; 13:55-56). At least some of
his brothers were named James, Joses, Simon
and Judas. His sisters are not named in the Bible.
History says that James became the head of the
church in Jerusalem.
Jesus Was Passionate
Some portrayals of Jesus in films and popular
culture have Him walking around like a
disconnected being who is hanging around to
solve problems. However, the Bible shows some
very passionate scenes from the life of Christ. He
overthrew the tables of the money changers in the
temple (Matthew 21:12, 13). He was moved to
tears at the news of Lazarus’ death (John 11:35).
The Bible says many times that Jesus was moved
with compassion (Matthew 9:36-38; 21:12, Mark
1:41 and others).
Jesus and Simon
There was a man conscripted to help Jesus carry
the cross up to Golgotha. This man’s name was
Simon (Matthew 27:32). This man was from
Cyrene which was also called Niger in Acts 13:1.
This is not in the country known as Niger today.
Rather he was from the country of Libya. Simon
had two sons who were apparently known to the
early church. Mark 15:21 says that Simon was
the father of Alexander and Rufus as if the
readers of the Gospel would know those two


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