
Showing posts from June, 2016


Prophet Jeremiah was put in prison for the Lord's sake.  He spoke the word of God as he was given the revelation and utterances. Though the content of the message he received from the Lord was never pleasing nor palatable to the people, Prophet Jeremiah feared God rather than man. Hence, he did not compromise his ministry. He never sacrificed the sanctity and authority of God's words on the altar of vain praise from men nor transcient favour from a King.  When the prophet failed to be cowered by the imprisonment but still repeated the message, he was transferred into muddy cistern where he was to die. But God whose mouthpiece he was evoked concern in Ebed Melech who appealed to King Zedekiah and spoke in favour of the Prophet. That appeal led to the rescue of Prophet Jeremiah from death in muddy cistern (38:7, 17-19) of Jeremiah chapter 38. Now what you are facing today could have been because of the truth you had said or justice you had dispensed. God will certainly send he...


Only you can open the door of your heart and invite Jesus to come in.  Jesus said,  "Behold,  i stand at the door and knock,  if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,  i will come in to him and dine with him,  and he with me." -  Rev. 3:20 But as many as received him,  to them he gave the right to become children of God,  even to those who believe in his name. - John 1:12. Yes God really want you to open your heart for him to come in and dwell in you. We shouldn't open our heart for evil thought to come in and dwell,  for our heart is the temple of the most high God,  we ought to keep it clean and be ready to let in him.